About Us
Dewan Keluarga Besar universitas Multimedia Nusantara (DKBM UMN) is the highest student organization in UMN which acts as a legislative and judicial body for UMN students. DKBM UMN was established on January 6, 2011 and has representatives from each faculty.
Our vision is to realizing DKBM as an inclusive, empowered, integrity-driven, and responsive organization in bridging students' aspirations with the rectorate
Being a communication bridge between students and the rectorate by actively, responsively, and credibly accommodating the aspirations of UMN students
Improving the performance of DKBM as a legislative and judicial function organization so that DKBM operates with high inclusivity, transparency, and accountability
Strengthening the relationship with KBM, among organizations, groups, student organizations, and student associations for the sake of shared prosperity

Recruit, select, and inaugurate D-Mud internally with the signature on the letter of agreement and the giving of D-Mud member card.
To create high quality member candidates for the next generation of DKBM or any other student organizations.

Student Aspiration Week
- Hold a focus group discussion (FGD) or an open discussion forum with the students
- Socialization about DKBM through
- Wall Of Aspiration (Offline)
- Twibbon competition to invite students to give aspirations through the aspiration form
To introduce DKBM to the students of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara and to invite students to discuss problems in their campus life, as well as strengthening between student and rectorate of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Bincang Hangat
An open discussion form between students and rectorate
- Bridging a connection between student to convey their aspirations to the rectorate
- To accept direct answers from the rectorate
- Strengthening the connection between student and the rectorate

Comparative Study
Hold an online discussion with student organizations of other universities and visit student organizations of other universities.
To develop DKBM performance or come up with innovations by looking for references from other universities, also to build a relationship with other universities.

DKBM Birthday
- Hold a discussion forum with former members of previous generations of DKBM
- Hold a social or charity event (example: donation)
- Make throwback video
To earn perspectives from former members of previous generations of DKBM regarding solutions and problems on campus and bonding time among several generation of DKBM.

DKBM Journey
Technical briefing on work flow of divisions in dkbm and educate on what and how to develop DKBM into a better organization.
To make sure that DKBM candidates are ready to carry out their duties in the next generation.
Anggota DKBM Gen XIV

Stefanie Liman
Putri Asni
Wakil Ketua
Salwa Putri
Sekretaris & Bendahara
Firdaus Nuzula
Kesejahteraan Mahasiswa
Ayu Febriana
Viona Alia
Carlin Natasya
Marcell Daniel
May Magdalena
Pengawasan BEM
Fira Sefirna
Pengawasan BEM
Indah Marshanda
Pengawasan BEMF.A.Q
Frequently Asked Questions
What does DKBM do?
- Collect, process, and provide solutions to student aspirations
- Create, review, and revise legal products (GBHO, AD-ART, SOP, etc.)
- Supervise the performance of the executive at UMN
- Hold a meeting with the rectorate to discuss campus issues and student aspirations
What are the student's aspirations?
Hopes and goals for future success can be in the form of opinions, responses, evaluations and thoughts from students
What types of aspirations can be processed?
Academic, Non-Academic, Facility, and Activities.
How to deliver aspirations to DKBM?
It can be through the aspiration form available in the DKBM Instagram bio or by contacting the DKBM social media.
How long is the term of office of DKBM?
During 1 organizational management period or for 1 year.
Who can register to DKBM?
UMN students who are taking semester 3 or 5, Minimum GPA 2.75, Never been subject to academic/non-academic sanctions, Not serving as a member of the campus media, Join a maximum of 2 organizations, Pass Student Orientation.
What divisions does DKBM have?
DKBM has 5 divisions, namely: BPH division (Daily Management Body), PB division (BEM Supervision), Kesma division (Student welfare), Medkom division (Communication and information media), and Komses division (Succession Commission).
How busy is DKBM?
Sometimes it's busy, sometimes it's not. When approaching a major work program, of course, we will be busy planning and preparing everything. When there are aspirations/cases that come in, we will definitely hold many meetings with various related parties. During the week we usually only hold regular meetings.